Read, Run, Repeat

A tale of fitness, books, food, and life in between

Weekend Stories

on March 24, 2014

First I want to say THANK YOU for all the kind words and comments on my last post… I was overwhelmed! It was not the easiest post to write, and it can be so hard to be vulnerable, but you guys ROCK! Thanks for making 3/21 even better.


It was a good little weekend around these parts…. Too fast, as always, but fun! On Friday night, I was seriously craving a cheeseburger (thank you student that I evaluated on Tuesday who kept talking about heading to McDonald’s after he was finished!!), so P and I headed to Five Guys for dinner. Not the healthiest option, but SO GOOD. They seriously make THE BEST fries. Although for the record, still craving McDonald’s. … which is totally bizarre.

After dinner we headed to see Divergent. Neither P or I have read the books, but we decided to go see it anyway, since it sounded very Hunger Game-esque. We LOVED it… I was thoroughly impressed with how good it was(okay, some of the acting was kinda shoddy, but overall it was really good!) I’m not even a huge movie person, and I would totally go and see it again. I was ready at midnight to head to Walmart and buy the books … but we didn’t. The movie may have been even better since we hadn’t read the book yet. But, they’ll make it onto the bookshelf in the next week, I’m sure. Plus, the main male lead, Theo James, is awfully pretty 😉 I may have a slight crush…

Saturday was a hair appointment for a little trim, and then P and I headed to the Flower and Garden Show — it was fun to walk around, but I can’t say that we got too much out of it overall. The show is held at a local community college and it was PACKED. Neither P or I really enjoy crowds… and once we got rammed into by a woman pushing a wheelchair, we were done. It was nice to see pretty flowers though—made it feel a little more like spring.

We hit up Sephora on the way home… what is it about new make-up that make me so happy? (okay, opening a new PB jar gives me a similar feeling) I love this Bare Minerals palette—works amazingly for my green eyes.

Once we were home, we took crazy dog for her afternoon walk and worked on getting some of the usual home stuff done. P made BBQ quesadillas (I CANNOT spell that word!) for dinner with some leftover crockpot BBQ chicken, and OMG they were good. Sometimes the best food is really the most simple.

On Sunday, I was pretty much on my own, as P had to run an event for work and was gone pretty much all day. Fiona and I were up early … she slept all morning – I worked on some wedding stuff (AHHHH. SO STRESSED AND OVERWHELMED!), and then worked out with my new DVD – Jillian Michael’s “Hard Body” – I only did Level 1 and it was pretty intense…. But I loved it 😉 You are totally moving nonstop from the moment you start until you want to drop onto the floor. I finished my workout with a 30 min run and was feeling pretty bad ass 😉 And tired – very tired 😉 I’ve registered for my first race, so running is most definitely back on the agenda!

The day finished with another Fiona walk and finishing up the chores around the house – and then P and I hit the hay early (well, on time, actually, but it felt early!). We were pooped!! So that brings us to Monday – staff day for me, which means comfy clothes and lots of work as the kids weren’t here. Spent almost the entire day pumping out psych reports, so my eyes kinda feel like they are bleeding now – once I hit “publish” I’m totally done with computer screen for the day!

Hope you’re Monday is off to a fantastic start … I’m convinced if I can just hang in there until the end of this week, spring will finally feel like it’s coming! (But today, it’s freezing!)

Answer me this: What was the best part of your weekend?

~ Brittany xo

2 responses to “Weekend Stories

  1. Gina says:

    ohhhhhhhhhhhhh so good to know about the movie! i’ve been thinking about going and now I will. Also seriously looking forward to the movie Bad Words. Have you seen previews for it? I cannot stop laughing thinking about it.
    Love this post and the one before. Proud of you friend on so many levels. BIG hugs!!! xo

  2. Jen@HealthyFoodandFamily says:

    I LOVE Five Guys! There is one near my Endocrinologist’s office and it’s the highlight of that appointment day, there’s a reason I always make a near lunch time appointment 😉

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